There is heavy problems with balance so don't blame your skills, am sorry :(

Controls (READ IMPORTANT as there is no tutorial) 


  • Right Click - Shoot a hook to zoom in on entities (Because of the short water range, or, to throw enemies into the spikes) 
  • HOLD SPACEBAR and LEFT CLICK when on RANGE(when the arrow is not red) - Throw a crystal to capture Spirits or hold down to select the spirit to release (LOWER ICONS OF DEMONS) 
  •  E - Consume a spirit to obtain its essence. When the consumed spirit has been already captured it would free the space to capture another new enemy. 
  •  SHIFT - Dash
  •  Left Click - Shoot water from the orb to turn enemies or to feed spirits.
  •  Movement - W,A,S,D or Arrow keys 

The main objective should be to capture enemies after turning them “blue”(and when they start shooting yellow rather than red) by throwing a crystal with the SPACEBAR and then deploy them as turrets.

The converted enemies drop more essence! so is usually a good idea to convert them since it usually gives twice the amount that was consumed(unless missed a lot of shots)

Capture Spirit:
Deploy Spirit:


A bullet hell made in 10 days for 2 jams that overlap eachother, Bullet Hell Jam 5 and Pixel Game Jam - 2024. This since it is not stated against any rules and I have heard from both jams that it is fine as long as they share the same schedules and the game follows the regulations, and that is the case.  

Everything(graphics, mechanics, programming, etc) was made solo ( with the following exeptions:


The 3 songs(Main menu, Action and Waiting) were generated with online tools.


The player embodies an entity with the ability to manipulate the essence of life, which is water in its purest state. While more abilities focused on the states of water (such as freezing or boiling) were envisioned, time constraints prevented their implementation.


Consequences are the results of your decisions. In this game, you must make numerous decisions that are closely tied to your effectiveness in passing each round and wave. For every spirit you choose to deploy, more projectiles will fill the screen, but enemies will die faster.


I wish I had more time, as I could add many more elements, and balance the ones that are already in, but that's a future maybe.

Updated 5 days ago
Published 29 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags2D, Action-Adventure, Arcade, Bullet Hell, Indie, Pixel Art, Retro, Roguelike
Average sessionA few minutes


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Very nice cursor animation <3 

I get stuck at the first upgrade screen. Hovering works but the click seems to do nothing.

Yeah i could have made that bit more clear! you need to keep it press to select an option, this to avoid making mistakes when selecting an upgrade... i should definitly have made it so you can just reopen the upgrades... thanks for playing either way!

(1 edit)

Makes sense! Giving it another go.

Oh thanks for that! either way i think gamplay sake it becomes to hard to fast, so the balance may be off and the mechanics are not well introduced. But thanks for keep trying!

Love the arts


Seems like a really interesting idea! It is also very polished and very good just in general, though I found the hook mechanic kinda strange since i just die the second I hook. Besides that, good game :)

Mmmh that may be a bug... the hook is only supossed to make the enemies closer to you, this because of the range of the water or if you want to throw enemies at spikes. It shoudn't really damage you. Maybe the enemies were shooting at the same time you used the hook?... either way thank you for playing!

I liked thig game. Your graphics and sprites are amazing. Animations, movement, mechanics is on another level, they're very well designed. Very good game. Keep going!


Thank you very much